
Small Groups & Bible Studies

Lost & Found

Meets Sundays at 8:45am via ZOOM and on campus (rooms 208/209).

Join Zoom Meeting (Sign-in 8:30am, Lesson Start 8:45am), Meeting ID: 832 647 1099 Teleconference: 346-248-7799

This class endeavors to learn more about God’s message to believers about living a spirit filled life. The focus is knowing more about God’s promises. Recent studies have included Larry Osborne’s “Thriving in Babylon” and John Ortberg’s “All the Places to Go”.

If interested in attending, contact Chuck Riddle


Meets Sundays at 8:45 in room 210.

Faith Statement: 

Make disciples in Christ; Live by faith in Christ; Grow in grace in Christ; and Walk in love in Christ. 

The Sojourners’ class is an adult Bible study open to all ages and for anyone interested in beginning or growing their relationship with Jesus Christ through study of the Bible and discussion in a small group setting.    

Class contact: Candy Zibilske or Patty Hutchins

The Morning Glories meet on the second Wednesday each month in the Faith Center at 9:30am. These ladies have a time of fellowship and a special speaker each month.

Morning Glories

Disciple Bible Study

Thursdays - 10:30am or 6:30pm

Pastor John will be using the Disciple Fast Track Study. The Spring study will be the New Testament portion (12 weeks beginning January 18), meeting on Thursdays at 10:30am or 6:30pm. We have ordered books for the class and they are $20 (including shipping)

Sign up here!